A look at what happens when you've climbed back out of the rabbit hole.

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Good List

Sometimes recovery is hard. If you've followed my blog at all, you'll recognize that I've made this point several times before. Life can throw all manner of stresses at you, and it can be tough to fend them off in a healthy way. When I feel shaky, I like to make a list of all the joys my recovery has provided me. It's an excellent affirmation exercise. Below is today's list:

An incredible, smart, funny, sweet husband who not only accepts my many quirks, but loves me even more for them.

A six-year old son who tells me - unprompted and on a regular basis - that he loves me.

A four-year old son who insists that when he grows up he's going to marry me, because I am "the best lady there is."

A two-year old daughter who twirls and sings and giggles and smiles the day away, simply happy to be alive.

Friends who make me laugh until I pee a little.

A strong, wonderful relationship with my mother and sister.

Education in a field that will allow me to help people every single day.

A church filled with inspiring, supportive, amazing people who reaffirm my faith in God and humanity.


Greek food, Italian food, Mexican food, Chinese food, French food, bar food... you get the idea.

A sense of deep respect for my body. Not only did it survive the years of abuse I put it through, it also grew and nourished three miraculous little people.

There's today's list. Tomorrow's will be different, and may include the sharply blue sky, the crisp Spring air, the excitement of my dog when I walk in the door, even if I was just outside for a moment to get the newspaper. There are so many, many things in life to appreciate when you're seeing through the lens of recovery.

Live to love, love to live!

1 comment:

  1. I believe in you! I am extremely proud of you! And I want you to keep writing so that others may embrace the gift of your real life story. Maybe tell someone they know that you are a survivor... someone who needs a role model. I am not in denial, but instead, I pray that you keep the faith and the strength that you possess today. I love you, Cass. You're my miracle.
